Much of my work experience has focused around in-depth research to identify parties – private and government – responsible for cleaning complex, environmentally-impacted sites where decades of pollution produced threats to human health. Following are representative examples:

  • “Uncompromising Quality: A Centennial History of Hughes Brothers, Inc., 1921-2021” – Research and writing of a detailed history of Hughes Brothers, whose products helped build and still sustain America’s utility industry.
  • Native American Tribes – Research and prepare histories of forest management practices for Native American communities and reservations to aid in future planning efforts.
  • Los Angeles Harbor – Research and detailed analysis of more than 500,000 pages of materials identified numerous parties responsible for pollution in the harbor after the EPA had placed all blame on one entity. The findings not only greatly reduced the client’s share of responsibility, but provided a greater pool of funds for cleanup from the newly-identified parties and sped the process towards restoration of the harbor’s waters.
  • Cranbury, NJ – Costs of cleanup had been placed, solely, on the successor of a company that manufactured fireworks at the site. Research determined that contaminants of greatest concern emanated from production of ammunition and explosives under the direction of the U.S. military during World War II. The government agreed to shoulder a significant portion of cleanup costs and the research helped identify areas where disposal of contaminants had been previously unknown.
  • Military weapons ranges, Nationwide – Research efforts identified the location of weapons ranges, many previously unknown, the types of ordnance and ammunition used, and additional areas used for disposal of weapons-related wastes. The work contributed to government efforts to clear and cleanup those areas.
  • More recently, I have been engaged in efforts to assist communities, property owners, and prospective buyers in the redevelopment of brownfield sites by identifying parties responsible for environmental contamination and providing strategies, along with my associates at Drawbridge Solutions, for inducing them to share in the costs of cleanup.